TERMS: NEED TO READ AT LEAST ONCE -You’ll be happier later. NOTICE: THIS IS A TAXABLE EVENT! - TAX EXEMPT/RESALE BUYERS - CALL YOUR ACCOUNTANT AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE - THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS SALES TAX ID FORM! A 4% convenience fee will be added to all Credit or Debit cards. If you pay with a Credit Card, there will be a $5 minimum total charge. You are welcome to bring Cash or Check($30 hot check fee, or jail time for a hot check). There is NO BUYER’s PREMIUM. You pay what you bid. Preview: Thursday, November 2nd, 12:00 (Noon) - 6:30 p.m. The address will be added prior to preview in the a.m. Closing BEGINS at 5:00 p.m., Sunday, November 5th, 6 second intervals between items, 10-minute timer extension for each last 10 minute bid. Pay and pickup: Monday, November 6th, 12:00 (Noon) - 7:00 p.m. 1st Notice: BE SURE TO BRING HELP AND THE PROPER EQUIPMENT TO LOAD YOUR HEAVY ITEMS! You will receive an emailed invoice after the auction closes. If you don't get one, please check your Spam Folder. Pickup and pay at the address on the invoice or auction header. THREE IS NO SELF LOADOUT! ALL LOADOUTS MUST BE SUPERVISED! Payment: Cash or Check Preferred, or Credit Card. Questions: CALL 620-779-5659 Geo. Sterling Eisele If you cannot pay and pick up on Monday, please don't bid on these items. No, you cannot "pick it up tomorrow". We've already moved on to another location. This is no different than if you had drove to a live auction, stood around for 8 hours, bought 1 thing and then had to drive drove home. Non-Paying bidders will be blocked from the system and your items forfeited. If you call quickly enough and I happen to still have the items, you can probably settle-up and get back on track, but a reconnect fee will apply. I won’t always have or haul everything. I WILL NOT call you to babysit your missed pickup or stored items. If you want them, it’s up to you to take care of it with a phone call as instructed above. If you no-show/no-call, you may pay for your unclaimed items and a $25 reinstatement fee to cover my time chasing around to reactivate your account. You will probably not get your items, you might, but we’ll be friends again and you can bid on stuff again. If you pay for items (via phone) and don’t pick them up and/or we haul it, we will add a handling fee ($10 minimum) for hauling, storage and retrieval. Larger loads will carry a higher fee. If you have a serious emergency, I suggest you call in whatever favors you have and get someone there to pick up your items. In short, I’m busy and managing other people’s issues are moving to the bottom of my care list (Sorry, just a fact. Can’t do it anymore. It literally sucks the life out of me. We were there as scheduled, so should you). BIDDING NOTES: If you bid on an EMPTY LOT, it is EMPTY. There is nothing! You will get nothing! I can't sell an empty lot! Don’t bid on them, for any reason. If you bid and it does not turn blue, you are not winning. It will be very clear you are winning. It will be blue and say “Winning”. You will not WIN the item until it changes to WON at the end of the auction after the final timer expires. You may enter a max bid and let the computer bid for you until you win or run out of money. A tie bid can happen when you match a prior max bid. First bidder with money in the system will be the winner. Example: Current bid and your bid is $50, but it’s black and red. Another bidder beat you with a max bid. Not blue, not winning. You need to be $51. Best experience – Download, install and log in to the FREE - Midwest Auctions - App on your phone from any app store for outbid alerts and other updates. Like and follow us on Facebook - Midwest Auctions. Check your spam folder for emails. We send them, always. Refresh your browser often if you don't have the app and the app alerts. Never assume you won it. Keep checking, even after it hits "0". A last second bid could restart the timer before your computer refreshes. You will only have WON if it changes to WON from WINNING at the end. Clear your computer browser history and cookies often. If you don't have the app, keep your email window open so you can check your outbid notices there. BID ENTRY ERRORS: The system does not take pennies. Please don’t add them. $10.00 = a $1000 bid. Just enter 10. If you do mess up (it happens), you must call me to get it removed. No problem. I just need some time if I’m not in the office. SIGNUP: Sometimes the system is a bit fussy with emails. If you have problems, just call me. I can usually get it fixed quickly. Once you sign up I will send 1 email for each new auction. If you unsubscribe from that, the system will lock you out. In short, you have to get my 1 email to stay in the system. It’s a spam control thing built into the system. I’m the only person with access to your info and it will never be sold, given out or whatever the other big companies do with it. LOADOUT: We will have a limited supply of boxes for packing. Please bring your own packing/boxes. SECOND NOTICE!: If you buy large items, please bring sufficient help to get them loaded and a vehicle large enough to get them removed. As of Jan 2023, we will not be loading furniture or breakable items into vehicles any longer. Once it’s in the yard, it’s yours. Same as a live auction. If you buy big furniture items (sofas, cabinets, shelves, chests, curios, etc) that are obviously loaded with other items, please don’t expect to get them out early in the day. Some large items will be impossible to remove until the smaller items are gone. There simply isn’t room. If you show up before noon, please be prepared to wait until we've finished lunch. We seldom have time to eat after loadout begins. Thanks for reading all of that! It only takes a few bad apples to make a basic set of rules turn into 4 pages of stuff…and, here we are. Thank you everyone!
Thursday, November 2nd - Noon - 6:30
Right on the Highway
1402 items
2004 Ford Focus
2004 Ford Focus
Lot 1
2004 Ford Focus
Presidential Dollar Books
Presidential Dollar Books
Lot 2
Presidential Dollar Books
Sacagawea Books
Sacagawea Books
Lot 3
Sacagawea Books
Sacagawea Dollars
Sacagawea Dollars
Lot 4
Sacagawea Dollars
Roosevelt Dime Book
Roosevelt Dime Book
Lot 5
Roosevelt Dime Book
Silver Roosevelt Dime Book
Silver Roosevelt Dime Book
Lot 6
Silver Roosevelt Dime Book
Mercury Dime Book
Mercury Dime Book
Lot 7
Mercury Dime Book
Jefferson Nickel Book
Jefferson Nickel Book
Lot 8
Jefferson Nickel Book
Jefferson Nickel Book
Jefferson Nickel Book
Lot 9
Jefferson Nickel Book
Jefferson Nickel Book
Jefferson Nickel Book
Lot 10
Jefferson Nickel Book
Buffalo Nickel Book
Buffalo Nickel Book
Lot 11
Buffalo Nickel Book
Liberty Nickel Book
Liberty Nickel Book
Lot 12
Liberty Nickel Book
Lincoln Cent Book
Lincoln Cent Book
Lot 13
Lincoln Cent Book
Lincoln Cent Book
Lincoln Cent Book
Lot 14
Lincoln Cent Book
Lincoln Cent Book
Lincoln Cent Book
Lot 15
Lincoln Cent Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Lot 16
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Lot 17
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Franklin Silver Half Dollar Book
Franklin Silver Half Dollar Book
Lot 18
Franklin Silver Half Dollar Book
Liberty Silver Half Dollar Book
Liberty Silver Half Dollar Book
Lot 19
Liberty Silver Half Dollar Book
Liberty Silver Half Dollar Book
Liberty Silver Half Dollar Book
Lot 20
Liberty Silver Half Dollar Book
Washington Quarter Book
Washington Quarter Book
Lot 21
Washington Quarter Book
Washington Quarter Book
Washington Quarter Book
Lot 22
Washington Quarter Book
Washington Silver Quarter Book
Washington Silver Quarter Book
Lot 23
Washington Silver Quarter Book
Washington Silver Quarter Book
Washington Silver Quarter Book
Lot 24
Washington Silver Quarter Book
Standing Liberty Silver Quarter Book
Standing Liberty Silver Quarter Book
Lot 25
Standing Liberty Silver Quarter Book
2003+ Dimes
2003+ Dimes
Lot 26
2003+ Dimes
Eisenhower and Anthony Dollars
Eisenhower and Anthony Dollars
Lot 27
Eisenhower and Anthony Dollars
Peace Dollar Book
Peace Dollar Book
Lot 28
Peace Dollar Book
4 Silver Dollar Books
4 Silver Dollar Books
Lot 29
4 Silver Dollar Books
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Lot 30
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Lot 31
Kennedy Half Dollar Book
Lincoln Variety Set
Lincoln Variety Set
Lot 32
Lincoln Variety Set
1979 Anthony Dollar Set
1979 Anthony Dollar Set
Lot 33
1979 Anthony Dollar Set
1980 Anthony Dollar Set
1980 Anthony Dollar Set
Lot 34
1980 Anthony Dollar Set
1981 Anthony Dollar Set
1981 Anthony Dollar Set
Lot 35
1981 Anthony Dollar Set
1999 Anthony Dollar Set
1999 Anthony Dollar Set
Lot 36
1999 Anthony Dollar Set