TERMS: About as far West on Main as you can get. Preview: Thursday, August 4th, 12:00 (Noon) - 6:30 p.m. Closing BEGINS at 7:00 p.m., Sunday, August 7th, in 8 second intervals between items, 10-minute timer extension for each last 10 minute bid. Pay and pickup: Monday, August 8th, 12:00 (Noon) - 7:00 p.m. You will receive an emailed invoice after the auction closes. If you don't get one, check your Spam Folder. Pickup and pay at the address on the invoice and /or auction header. Specific address will be added prior to preview. Payment: Cash or Check Preferred, or credit card with 3% convenience fee. Questions: CALL 620-779-5659 - Geo. S. Eisele If you cannot pay and pick up on Monday, please don't bid on these items. No, you cannot "pick it up tomorrow". We've already moved on to another location. This is no different than if you had drove to a live auction, stood around for 8 hours, bought 1 thing and then had to drive drove home. Non-Paying bidders will be blocked from the system and your items forfeited. You may however pay for your unclaimed items with a $25 reinstatement fee to cover my time chasing around. You will probably not get your items, but we’ll be friends again and you can bid on stuff again. Bidding note: If you bid and it does not turn blue, you are not winning. It will be very clear you are winning. It will be blue and say “Winning”. You may enter a max bid and let the computer bid for you until you win or run out of money. A tie bid can happen when you match a prior max bid. First bidder with money in the system will be the winner. Example: Current bid and your bid is $50, but it’s black and red. Another bidder beat you with a max bid. Not blue, not winning. You need to be $51. Best experience – Download, install and log in to the Midwest Auctions App on your phone form any app store for outbid alerts. Like and follow us on Facebook - Midwest Auctions. Check your spam folder for emails. We send them, always. Refresh your browser often if you don't have the app and the app alerts. Never assume it's yours. Keep checking, even after it hits "0". A last second bid could restart the timer before your computer refreshes. Clear your computer browser history and cookies often. If you don't have the app, keep your email window open so you can check your outbid notices there. We will have a limited supply of boxes for packing. Please bring your own packing/boxes. If you buy large items, please bring sufficient help to get them loaded and a vehicle large enough to get them removed. If you show up before noon, please be prepared to wait until we've finished lunch. We seldom have time to eat after loadout begins. Thanks for reading all of that!
Thursday, August 4th, Noon - 6:30 p.m.
West part of town
650 items